Saturday 8 August 2020



Its common place to find Nigerians boast of how well citizens do when they get to live the shores of the country for other countries. And consistently, there is a rush by Nigerians to want to get of Nigeria by all means because we have grown with the impression that life beyond the shores of Nigeria is like heaven on earth.

Nigerians often realize the bitter truth when they finally get out of Nigeria that those places they heard were paved with gold and silver will require that they do the paving themselves. Just so that they don’t give the impression back at home that what they have often believed about going abroad isn’t true and that they are no fit when they got to Yankee, they decide that they’d make it by all means. And they often find gold after all the hustles.

The following reasons will thrill you on why Nigerians get to do very well when they do get out of the country.

Nigerians are naturally smart and highly intelligent. Globally, Nigerians are said to be amongst nationals with the highest intelligence quotient. We are known for been smart and have always been known for this attribute since colonial days. Nigerians who travel abroad want to keep with the tradition of their brothers who had gone ahead of them. We work very hard to develop ourselves when we find ourselves in a foreign country attending courses and creating records at foreign institutions. Nigerians naturally look out for records creation when they step out and they often want to break records fellow countrymen had created.

The most motivated Nigerians go abroad. Every smart Nigerians dream is to go abroad. This means naturally the best want to get out. The process for getting out however is like having a camel go through a needle. Only those who are well motivated for the pursuit go through all the rigours that characterize travelling abroad. You can’t go through all the hassles without been particularly purposeful about what you want when you get there. When Nigerians look back at the stress they went through going out of the country, they certainly look for success that will be worth their efforts.

Nigerians abroad don’t want to be seen as failures at home. The consensus thinking system in Nigeria is that all is well outside Nigeria. Anyone who travels abroad gets all the attention from people at home who want to only hear success stories. Just so that they are not considered as misfits or wasteful, Nigerians do their best abroad so that they can send good stories back home.

There are people waiting in Nigeria to be taken abroad. One Nigerian that travels abroad is considered as a travelling door for family and friends in Nigeria who also are hoping to get out. When a Nigerian travels out of the country, he is under pressure to carry siblings, parents and relative. For this reason, Nigerian work extra-hard abroad so that they can create space for more Nigerians to arrive to the country where they reside.

Travelling abroad is a status symbol, and you must look like it. Nigerians consider families who members reside abroad in high esteem and as been high in the social status ladder. Nigerians who travels abroad want their families to be seen as having produced an international brother so they work so hard in the countries they live in so that they can help family back at home to live up to the billings of their international status.

You naturally have to be a giver once you are abroad. Nigerians generally think that once a relative is abroad, it’s an opportunity to get dollars and pounds. Everyone is saying please send me something oh! This pressure is a good thing though as Nigerians often take up this responsibility on their shoulders working very hard to meet the demands of their fans at homeland.

Those who travel abroad want to be treated as gods. Nigerians who return abroad are often treated as gods. From the airport, crowds are waiting to greet your arrival and the welcome party has a huge crowd in your house. People greet you twice on the street and you’d hear whispers like ‘he is from Yankee’. You must be well to do to ever consider returning back to Nigeria else you’d become a local idiom. This makes Nigerians work too hard when they are abroad so that when they do return, they can be greeted gleefully and they can respond too to those who have come out to welcome them with gifts.

Doors open easily in Nigeria once you’ve stayed and schooled abroad. Nigerians at home generally treat those who have stayed abroad with high esteem. We believe they have seen everything because they went abroad. And the local opportunities at home are given to those from abroad who are thought to be overly experienced than those at home. Nigerians abroad too are working hard to live up to the billings.

Nigerians love foreign goods. Nigerians generally have the mentality that foreign is always better. Nigerians abroad expect those abroad to transfer foreign made good back home as a proof that some person is abroad. We love to brag about what quality of clothes or shoes we are wearing and where they are arriving from. Nigerians abroad are under compulsion to play ball to also send home some foreign goods so that their people at home can brag with. This gets Nigerians abroad working tirelessly hard just so that they can afford these things.

Nigerians abroad want to prove that Nigeria isn’t the perfect place to be groomed and that they made the correct decision to travel out of the country. It’s the mentality of the average Nigerian to want to travel out at the least opportunity because the generic thinking is that Nigeria isn’t a great place. In the fear that they may return to their living hell, they decide to put in their very best wherever they travel to so that it doesn’t seem a bad decision they had made to travel out. Those who go abroad suddenly often realize that Nigeria has to change. I don’t know how or why but you here those who return from abroad making statements like ‘over there, things are different’ to drive home the point that getting abroad is the correct decision to make.

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